Nuclear Physicist
The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), situated in Grenoble, France, is Europe's leading research facility for fundamental research using neutrons. The ILL operates the brightest neutron source in the world and every year hosts over 2000 visits by scientists, who come to carry out world-class research in a wide variety of scientific fields.
Working within the Nuclear and Particle Physics (NPP) group, you will:
• Act as co-responsible for the FIPPS instrument (a high-efficiency HPGe array at a high-flux thermal neutron beam)
• Support visiting scientists with their experiments and act as Local Contact
• Pursue your personal research programme in nuclear physics
• Establish new scientific collaborations for nuclear physics instruments by promoting neutron-induced reactions and nuclear spectroscopy at ILL
• Contribute to new developments of nuclear physics instrumentation in the NPP group
• Contribute to the processing and interpretation of experimental data
• Supervise interns and Master‘s and PhD students in nuclear physics working on ILL’s instruments.
You will receive training primarily on the gamma-ray spectroscopy programme at FIPPS but also at all the other nuclear physics instruments at the ILL, allowing you to familiarise yourself fully with the scientific possibilities of the entire instrument suite for experiments involving fission and other neutron-induced reactions.