
Direct measurements of neutron reactions on radionuclides - DIMER Workshop (Opens in a new window)

Santa Fe, NM, USA

Workshops & Conferences

Depending on the reaction channel, direct determinations of neutron-induced reaction cross sections on stable and unstable isotopes for energies above 1 keV cross face different challenges. Neutron captures, neutron-induced fissions, charged-particle production reactions, elastic and inelastic scatterings are important and of interest for astrophysics and nuclear applications.


IReNA-INT Joint Workshop on Thermal and Magnetic Evolution of Neutron Stars (Opens in a new window)

Seattle, WA, USA

Workshops & Conferences

The interiors of neutron stars are inaccessible to direct observation. Measurements of gross properties- mass and radius- can help us constrain properties such as the dense matter equation of state, but provide little insight into properties such as composition, transport and magnetic fields. The electromagnetic emission from neutron star surfaces, magnetospheres and accretion disks is the primary way we are able to infer interior properties of neutron stars. This emission critically depends on the thermal and magnetic evolution of neutron stars.


NuGrid/IReNA/BNL day (Opens in a new window)

Uptown, NY, USA

Workshops & Conferences

In the context of our annual NuGrid collaboration meeting, we are hosting a half-day event with nuclear astrophysics talks, experimental and theoretical, open to the wider community. Our goal is to showcase recent results from the NuGrid collaboration and establish further connections and collaborations with interested groups.


8th p-process workshop 2024 (Opens in a new window)

Budapest, Hungary

Workshops & Conferences

Beyond iron, a number of rare, neutron-deficient, stable isotopes, is made of proton-rich isotopes, the p-nuclei. They constitute a small fraction in mass of the heavy nuclear species, but a clear understanding of their production still remains a fundamental challenge for nuclear astrophysics.


Multidisciplinary Multi-Messenger Astrophysics Workshop (Opens in a new window)

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

Workshops & Conferences

To foster multidisciplinary research in the area of explosive transients, Louisiana State University, the DOE’s Los Alamos National Lab and Center for Nuclear Astrophysics Across Messengers, NASA’s Physics of the Cosmos Program, and possibly an additional 3 letter agency, invites the international community to participate in a workshop in Baton Rouge, LA during September 23-26, 2024. 


Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics XI (NPA-XI) Conference (Opens in a new window)

Dresden, Germany

Workshops & Conferences

The Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics XI (NPA-XI) conference brings together scientists working in nuclear astrophysics, including laboratory experiments, theoretical nuclear physics, astronomy, and astrophysics.

NPA-XI is part of a series of conferences taking place every two years, under the auspices of the Nuclear Physics Division of the European Physical Society.


Astrophysical Origins of Carbon Tokyo 2024 Workshop (Opens in a new window)

Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan

Workshops & Conferences

The origin of Carbon and its role in stellar evolution is one of the most exciting problems in nuclear and stellar astrophysics, and it was recently shown to play a key role in the interpretation of Gravitational wave data from mergers of binary black holes.


BRIDGCE-IReNA Meeting 2024 (Opens in a new window)

Guildford, UK

Workshops & Conferences

The BRIDGCE 2024 annual meeting, at the University of Surrey, couples the themes of nuclear physics and astrophysics to showcase the latest cross-disciplinary across these fields, and exchange knowledge and expertise among BRIDGCE researchers and their collaborators in IReNA and ChETEC. The workshop will give particularly early-career researchers and postdoctoral students an opportunity to present their work and discuss the state-of-the-art of the field with leading UK, US and EU-based collaborators.


AZURE2 R-Matrix Summer School (Opens in a new window)

Edinburgh, UK

Workshops & Conferences

The 2024 AZURE2 R-Matrix Summer School will be held at the University of Edinburgh from the 23rd to the 28th June 2024.

Please find below some important information regarding the school: