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Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) Program
A week long program at one of two world leading nuclear physics laboratories: Nuclear Science Laboratory located on the campus of the University of Notre Dame and the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory located on the campus of Michigan State University. Learn nuclear astrophysics through lectures from faculty, and modern physics experiments.
Nuclear Science Educational Materials
Learn nuclear science through games, puzzles and online lectures.

Scout Badge Workshops
Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops are invited to spend a day at the Nuclear Science Laboratory on the campus of Notre Dame to earn either the BSA Nuclear Science or GSA Getting to Know Nuclear badge. JINA-CEE scientists will provide all information and materials to ensure that each scout meets the requirements for the badge. The day includes lectures, a tour of the lab, hands-on projects/experiments and lunch.

Math, Science, and Technology (MST) at MSU
Run by MSU's Gifted and Talented Education, this residential/commuter camp offers intensive courses to high-achieving 7th and 8th grade students (one week) and 9th and 10th grade students (two weeks). Programs for both age groups offer a JINA-CEE Nuclear Astrophysics course, taught by JINA-CEE faculty and staff from NSCL and University of Notre Dame. JINA-CEE funds scholarships for interested students who demonstrate financial need.
"I have gained a lot of valuable information about physics and nuclear stuff that I would not have learned in my local classes. I met a lot of cool scientists and other kids as a part of this program which is invaluable to me. Overall I would rate it as an extremely good experience that opened my eyes to more than I expected."