JINA-CEE is all about collaboration. Nuclear astrophysics requires coordinated research efforts using a wide range of accelerator facilities, observatories, theoretical approaches, models, and codes that cut across multiple disciplines.
We invite members of the broadly defined nuclear astrophysics community to take advantage of JINA-CEE resources and to actively participate in JINA-CEE through visits, workshops, schools, and scientific collaboration.
Visitor Program
Short term and long term visits at JINA-CEE institutions are possible as part of the JINA-CEE visitor program.
Working Groups
Working groups provide collaborative platforms for JINA-CEE members to coordinate research and to exchange ideas and data. They also serve as contact points for specific expertise.
Large Collaborations and Communities
JINA-CEE is engaged in a number of large collaborations and scientific communities.

JINA-CEE continues to be heavily engaged in fostering the development of the nuclear astrophysics program at the next generation rare isotope beam facility FRIB. JINA-CEE has also triggered significant experimental equipment developments, including the SECAR recoil separator.

JINA-CEE provided early support to establish NuGRID, a research platform based on computing tools for nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution modeling, and on the sharing of knowledge across disciplines.

JINA-CEE has been an institutional partner in the extension of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, SDSS-II. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has created the most detailed three-dimensional maps of the Universe ever made, with deep multi-color images of one third of the sky, and spectra for more than three million astronomical objects.

JINA-CEE has been instrumental in developing plans for a US underground laboratory for nuclear astrophysics reaction measurements, and has led the establishment of the pilot facility CASPAR at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota.