
20th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics (Opens in a new window)

Russbach, Austria

Workshops & Conferences

The 20th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics will take place in the village of Rußbach am Paß Gschütt, southeast of Salzburg, Austria. The school dates will be from March 16 (arrival and registration) to March 22 (departure) 2025.


BRIDGCE Explosive Nucleosynthesis Summer School (Opens in a new window)

York, UK

Workshops & Conferences

The BRIDGCE Explosive Nucleosynthesis Summer School will be held from Monday the 2nd of June to Tuesday the 3rd of June 2025 at the University of York. The school will introduce astrophysical transients and our current understanding of their nucleosynthesis through modelling, observations, and experimentation. With invited lecturers from within the BRIDGCE network and its collaborators, the school will focus on providing hands-on experience and creating opportunity for open discussions so that participants get the most from the experience.


BRIDGCE-IReNA 2025 Annual Meeting (Opens in a new window)

York, UK

Workshops & Conferences

The BRIDGCE-IReNA 2025 annual meeting, hosted at the University of York, combines the fields of nuclear physics and astrophysics to highlight the latest interdisciplinary advancements in these fields, fostering knowledge exchange among BRIDGCE researchers and their partners from IReNA and ChETEC. This workshop offers early-career researchers and postdoctoral students a chance to present their research and engage in discussions with prominent researchers from the UK, US, and EU.


s, i & r Element Nucleosynthesis (sirEN) Conference (Opens in a new window)

Giulianova, Italy

Workshops & Conferences

With immense pleasure we announce the International "s, i & r Element Nucleosynthesis (sirEN)" Conference on the Nucleosynthesis of Heavy Elements.

This Conference is organised in the memory of Prof. Roberto Gallino, who recently passed away. We are honored to have worked with him and grateful for his genuine intelligence and friendship. 


International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos XVIII (NIC XVIII) (Opens in a new window)

Girona, Spain

Workshops & Conferences

Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC) is a biennial series of Nuclear Astrophysics conferences. These interdisciplinary events gather together several hundred nuclear physicists, astrophysicists and cosmochemists, to review, share, and discuss recent advances (and challenges) in this field, covering broad areas, from the origin of the elements to the nuclear processes that power stars and their evolution. As such, it has become the most important international meeting in Nuclear Astrophysics.


Helium burning and perspectives for underground labs - HELIUM25 (Opens in a new window)

Dresden, Germany

Workshops & Conferences

The HELIUM25 workshop aims to discuss the state of the art and future plans related to stellar helium burning. It will bring together the nuclear astrophysics community working on He-burning reactions. Various topics will be discussed, including direct and indirect measurements, the role of underground laboratories, detection methods, and astrophysical implications.


Open Questions and Research Tools in Nuclear Astrophysics: A Combined Summer School and Hackathon Event (Opens in a new window)

Beaver Island, MI, USA

Workshops & Conferences

The school is a week-long event for students and postdoctoral researchers, combining elements of a traditional summer school with a hackathon. The primary goal of this summer school is to attract early career researchers (ECR) to the field of nuclear astrophysics, fostering a space for multidisciplinary collaboration within the IReNA network. The event will include a series of lectures introducing participants to a few of the major open questions in our field.


TARDIS Summer School (Opens in a new window)

East Lansing, Michigan

Workshops & Conferences

The TARDIS summer school will consist of short lectures and hands-on labs guided by TARDIS developers to promote an understanding of the underlying physics of TARDIS, before moving on to a detailed primer on how to use the code to accurately model supernova explosions. The format of our summer school was heavily inspired by the ongoing successful MESA summer school.


Astrophysics with Radioactive Isotopes 2025 (Opens in a new window)

Traverse City, MI, USA

Workshops & Conferences

The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers interested in the significant role radioactive nuclei play in the cosmos and particularly with respect to questions in astrophysics.  The scientific program will cover topics related to the role of radioactivity within galactic chemical evolution, cosmochemistry, the origin of elements, and multi-messenger astronomy.