IReNA ChETEC-INFRA Postdoctoral Position in Nuclear Astrophysics
- This post-doctoral position is part of the European H2020 Chetec-Infra project (Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos - Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics,
- The research project concerns the study of nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest, a current topic in full swing. In particular, the project is centered around the measurement of low-energy fusion reactions at facilities in France and around the world, in particular with the STELLA experiment (STElLar LAb). The methods used will be direct methods and the interpretation of the data will be performed in terms of nuclear structure and of the evolution of massive stars.
- Instrumentation and detection system testing will be performed to prepare the experiments.
- The post-doctoral fellow will also be involved in the interpretation of the results of these Nuclear Astrophysics experiments. Simulation calculations will be performed, in particular concerning the stellar evolution.