FRIB Theory Fellowship (two positions)
The FRIB Theory Alliance is seeking outstanding candidates for up to two FRIB Theory Fellows. One fellow will be hosted by MSU and the other by the Partner Institution listed below. The successful candidate(s) will conduct independent or collaborative research on theoretical nuclear structure, reactions, astrophysics, and/or fundamental symmetries relevant to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). The FRIB Theory Alliance is a consortium of universities and national laboratories actively engaged in theoretical research in FRIB science. FRIB will be a new national user facility for nuclear science, funded by the DOE Office of Science and operated by Michigan State University.
The FRIB Theory Fellowship is a two-year position with the possibility of renewal for a maximum of five years. The initial stipend is $77k and this position has an annual travel budget of up to $5k. The FRIB Theory Fellows will be employees of Michigan State University with one fellow stationed at Michigan State University and the other fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The successful candidates must demonstrate great promise for high achievement in FRIB science. Past fellows have a track record of moving directly into open faculty or permanent staff positions.
Applicants should communicate their interest to a specific hosting institution. Hosting institutions and host contact information are:
Michigan State University: Filomena Nunes (
Los Alamos National Laboratory: Ingo Tews (
Please apply at Academic Jobs Online. The application deadline is October 10th, 2022. Three reference letters are also due by this date. If you have any questions, please contact Saori Pastore ( or (