New IReNA Online Seminar Organizing Committee

We are pleased to introduce the members of the 2023-2024 IReNA Online Seminar Organizing Committee!
The committee is comprised of one postdoc representative from each one of the IReNA networks, and they are putting together an exciting scientific program for the upcoming academic year:
Avrajit Bandyopadhyay (University of Florida, USA), JINA-CEE Representative and Committee Chair
I study the most ancient stars in the Milky Way halo and globular clusters to understand their origin, the astrophysical conditions of the early universe and the nature of their progenitors. My work includes spectroscopy of stars to derive accurate abundances and obtain constraints for the nucleosynthesis pathways leading to formation of heavier elements in the universe.
Thibaut Dumont (IPHC - CNRS Strasbourg, France), ChETEC-INFRA Representative
I'm a French Post-Doc at IPHC - University of Strasbourg in France, and I'm working on stellar physics, after a PhD that I got in Geneva in 2021. I'm studying stellar evolution and structure, and more especially the chemical abundances and transport processes in stars. In this aim I'm using stellar evolution codes including different input of physics (internal transport, nuclear reaction rates, solar abundances, etc) and compare model predictions with observations.
Shun Iimura (Rikkyo University, Japan), Ukakuren Representative
I am currently conducting research on nuclear structure at Rikkyo University and at RIKEN RIBF. Our research methods encompass a range of techniques including the measurement of nuclear charge density distributions via electron-Radioactive Isotope (e-RI) scattering with the SCRIT system, high-precision mass measurement using the Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight (MRTOF) system, as well as beta-gamma spectroscopy of neutron-rich nuclei.
Melissa Mendes Silva (TU Darmstadt, Germany), EMMI Representative
I am a postdoc at Technische Universität Darmstadt investigating neutron star's particle composition and interactions, cooling mechanisms and their implications for the high isospin density limit of equations of state. I'm also interested in the quark-hadron phase transition at high densities and whether it presents an observable signature within neutron stars.
Barbara Paes Ribeiro (TANDAR, Argentina), IANNA Representative
I have professional experience working in theoretical nuclear physics, with a particular emphasis on transfer, breakup, and fusion reactions. In this field, we use mathematical models and theoretical frameworks as CRC and CDCC calculations to analyze the behavior and interactions of atomic nuclei under various conditions. At the moment I have a postdoc position at the TANDAR Laboratory in Argentina, working on both theoretical and experimental research.
Denise Piatti (University of Padova, Italy), ChETEC Representative
I am a post doc at the University of Padova and most of my research work lays in LUNA collaboration and ancillary. We go under 1400m of rocks inside the Gran Sasso Laboratory to study the thermonuclear reactions which shape life and death of stars and they synthesize most of the Universe elements.
Lorenzo Roberti (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary), NuGrid Representative
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Konkoly Observatory, CSFK in Budapest, Hungary. My main interest in Astrophysics is the evolution, nucleosynthesis and explosion of massive stars, at different metallicities and with different rotation velocities. I am currently working on a three year project about the p-process nucleosynthesis in supernova explosions.
Jennifer Sanchez Rojo (TRIUMF, Canada), CaNPAN Representative
I completed my PhD at the University of York, UK, where I worked on the analysis of an alpha transfer reaction on oxygen-15. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the IRIS facility in TRIUMF, Vancouver. My main research interest lays on the properties of nuclear reactions taking place on explosive stellar environments such as supernovae and X-ray bursts. My work at TRIUMF focuses on performing elastic, inelastic and transfer reactions using a solid hydrogen or deuterium target, and linking these studies to astrophysical scenarios.
Robert Yates (University of Hertfordshire, UK), BRIDGCE Representative
My main research interests are in galaxy formation theory and observations, in particular galaxy chemical evolution (GCE). I am a main developer of the L-Galaxies simulation, which I use in synergy with spectroscopic data from nearby and distant galaxies. I am also a member of BRIDGCE, the EDGE2.0 simulation management group, and an associated partner of the ERIS project. I obtained my PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA) and my Masters degree in Physics from Imperial College London.