CaNPAN Hosts 2024 Annual Meeting at TRIUMF

The Canadian Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics Network (CaNPAN - held its Annual Meeting 2024 from May 1 – 3, 2024 at TRIUMF in Vancouver. CaNPAN is a collaboration of Canadian astrophysicists and experimental and theoretical nuclear physicists aligned with the common goal of using Canadian nuclear physics facilities, expertise and equipment, in conjunction with astrophysics simulations based on the NuGrid tools, to provide education and advances in our understanding of the creation of the chemical elements, and the role of stars in our universe. CaNPAN puts great emphasis on multi-disciplinary training for graduate students through the annual CaNPAN training program, and collaborates extensively within IReNA, for example with the groups at Michigan State University (MSU), Ohio University (OU) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in the USA and Konkoly Observatory in Hungary.
The CaNPAN meeting had international contributions from Rene Reifarth (LANL) and Rebecca Surman (University of Notre Dame). The first day was organized and run by the CaNPAN and associated students, with students showcasing their research and a panel discussions with CaNPAN senior members on topics such as career progression. A relaxing student hangout concluded day 1. Students went to Wreck Beach where they hung out for a couple of hours, and played lots of spike ball, a Vancouver classic. They got to know each other better and talked about their experiences as grad students. They reported that overall, it was a great way to unwind after presenting and to build community.
Day 2 (which was like day 3 open to the entire TRIUMF lab) was dedicated to nuclear physics experiments, featuring an overview of ISAC and experimental facility themed talks showcasing data and science results from CaNPAN members. The day offered a tour of TRIUMF, and a special Colloquium by CaNPAN's own Pavel Denissenkov.
The final day 3 of the meeting was dedicated to multi-messenger astrophysics, featuring talks by CaNPAN associated nuclear astrophysics theorists as well as guest speakers Reed Essick and Phil Landry (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics [CITA]) and Jess McIver (University of British Columbia [UBC]).