Stellar & Nuclear Astro: SDSS-V meets IReNA Workshop
This particular meeting is a twin SDSS-V/IReNA meeting whose goal is to bring researchers from two collaborations together. IReNA stands for International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics ( and is a US-driven network that connects international nuclear astrophysics networks. The meeting is also sponsored by the Center for Nuclear Astrophysics across Messengers (CeNAM). The SDSS-V/IReNA Science Festival will be a networking event to explore the interface between nuclear astrophysics, stellar astrophysics and especially asteroseismology and spectroscopic surveys in three thematic areas: (i) intermediate- to high-mass main-sequence stars; (ii) low-mass RGB and He-core burning stars; and (iii) stellar remnants (white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes) .