
New equations of state constrained by nuclear physics, observations, and high-density QCD calculations (Opens in a new window)

IReNA Online Seminar


Sabrina Huth 

TU Darmstadt

Abstract: We present new equations of state for applications in core-collapse supernova and neutron star merger simulations. We start by introducing an effective mass parametrization that is fit to recent microscopic calculations up to twice saturation density. This is important to capture the predicted thermal effects, which have been shown to determine the proto-neutron star contraction in supernova simulations.


POSTPONED - Taking the Temperature: Statistical Nuclear Physics for Astrophysics and Applications (T3) (Opens in a new window)

Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

Workshops & Conferences

Statistical estimates of nuclear reaction rates are essential ingredients for astrophysical model calculations, e.g. r-process nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers, and nuclear applications, e.g. next generation nuclear reactor performance. Rate calculations require experimental or theoretical constraints for nuclear properties such as level densities (temperature), gamma-strength functions, particle optical potentials, and level spin distributions.


A Celebration of Margaret Burbidge (Opens in a new window)


Workshops & Conferences

Please join us on July 8th 2020 from 1:00-3:00 EDT for an online symposium to honor the late pioneer Eleanor Margaret Burbidge. This event will celebrate her life and science through short talks from her colleagues and collaborators as well as researchers who have benefited from her trailblazing and scientific insights.

Speakers include:

Megan Donahue - Michigan State University and past president of AAS

George Fuller - University California, San Diego

Anneila Sargent - California Institute of Technology


IReNA FA1 Stellar Burning Virtual Workshop Series (6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/2) (Opens in a new window)


Workshops & Conferences

This virtual workshop is organized within FA1 and consists of a series of 4 seminars. The purpose is to build and strengthen international collaborations in nuclear astrophysics issues related to stellar burning (broadly defined). The structure will take advantage of the online format, taking place for 2-hour sessions each week for four weeks. The first hour of each session will consist of three 20-minute talks, while the second hour will be an open discussion.


R-matrix Online Talks (Opens in a new window)


Workshops & Conferences

As the 2020 R-matrix workshop on methods and applications has been postponed until 2021, we have put together a condensed online meeting via zoom for interested participants. A broad range of topics will still be covered, including both experimental and theory endeavors related to R-matrix. The online workshop will take place on Monday June 22, from 12:00 to 15:00 EST. There will be three one-hour sessions that will consist of a series of five to six short 5-minute talks, starting at the top of each hour.


A halo of chemically primitive stars around an ancient dwarf galaxy. Online Seminar by Ani Chiti (MIT) (Opens in a new window)

IReNA Online Seminar


The Milky Way is surrounded by dozens of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies. These systems are the remnants of the earliest galaxies, and spectroscopy of their stars thereby reveals the elements produced by chemical evolution in a primitive, self-contained environment. Previous spectroscopic studies, however, had largely been limited to stars within the core of these galaxies (~2 half-light radii) due to the sparseness of their distant stars.


Art 2 Science at home for families - Toys from home chemicals (Opens in a new window)

YouTube link coming soon


Start time: 10 am

Live stream details coming soon

In this activity, we'll combine 4 common ingredients in 3 different ways to make things to play with. Then we'll explore experiments that could help us make our new toys even more stretchy or bouncy.

You will need:

  • Water
  • Cornstarch
  • Glue
  • Borax
  • Something to mix in (cup, bowl, baggie)
  • Something to stir with (spoon, stick, hand)

Coulomb dissociation of 16O into 4He and 12C featuring Kathrin Gobel (Opens in a new window)

IReNA Online Seminar



The fusion reaction of carbon and helium to oxygen is the key to understanding the evolution of stars and the relative abundances of both elements. The reaction rate of 12C(a,g)16O has to be known with an uncertainty of lower than 10% at a center-of-mass energy of 300 keV during Helium burning conditions. So far, experiments have studied the reaction down to about 1 MeV.


The Art of Becoming a Better Mentor and Mentee (Pt. 2 of Series) (Opens in a new window)

IReNA Online Seminar


The Seminar will begin at 2pm EST Online Seminar featuring Donna Dean (American Chemical Society).


In the second webinar, mentoring approaches will be addressed for both mentors and mentees.  Factors that may impact the mentoring relationship and key topics and questions for mentoring discussions will be covered.

The content of each webinar should help participants reflect on past experiences and understand how they can build and sustain more effective mentoring relationships in the future. 


Developing Strong Mentoring Relationships (Pt. 1 of Series) (Opens in a new window)

IReNA Online Seminar


The Seminar will begin at 2pm EST Online Seminar featuring Donna Dean (American Chemical Society).


The first webinar will focus on tools, techniques, and strategies to seek out appropriate mentors for strong mentoring relationships. . The do's and don'ts involved for mentees and mentors will be covered.  

The content of each webinar should help participants reflect on past experiences and understand how they can build and sustain more effective mentoring relationships in the future. 


POSTPONED - Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics 2020 (Opens in a new window)

Embassy Suites, South Bend, IN

Workshops & Conferences

This will be the tenth in a series of former JINA and now JINA-CEE meetings that brings together JINA-CEE participants, collaborators, and other interested researchers in nuclear physics, astronomy, and astrophysics to discuss progress and future directions related to the understanding of the origin of the elements and neutron stars.

Organizing Committee:

Sebastian Aguilar, University of Notre Dame


Online Workshop - FRIB First Experiments: Proposal Preparation (Opens in a new window)


Workshops & Conferences

FRIB offers unprecedented opportunities in nuclear astrophysics to understand element synthesis and compact stellar objects. Close collaboration between nuclear scientists and astrophysicists will be essential to develop the early experiment proposals that maximize the impact on the field. JINA-CEE has identified a number of astrophysicists that are interested in contributing to proposal development and would be available to help or to collaborate with nuclear theorists and experimentalists.


POSTPONED - International Workshop on Nuclear Statistical Physics in Astrophysics and Nuclear Applications (NuSPANA) (Opens in a new window)

Santa Fe, NM

Workshops & Conferences

We are organizing an international workshop on Nuclear Statistical Physics in Astrophysics and Nuclear Applications (NuSPANA). Nuclear reaction data is one of the key elements in nuclear applications ranging from simulating nucleosynthesis in stellar modeling to performance validation in nuclear energy and nuclear security. Experimental effort in the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) is focused on neutron-induced reactions, in close collaboration with reaction theory development and continuous progress on cross-section evaluations at LANL.


CANCELLED: The building blocks of matter: atoms or LEGOs? (Opens in a new window)

Michigan History Center, 702 W Kalamazoo St, Lansing, MI 48915


The periodic table organizes atoms into different elements, but the chart of nuclides is a better way to classify them. Discover the secrets of the nucleus by building a chart from towers of LEGO bricks, one for each of 130 isotopes in the first ten elements. The pattern of stable and radioactive nuclei will help explain the how the matter in your body was originally made in stars! Hosted by the Michigan History Museum and sponsored by the MSU Science Festival.


New Results on Stellar Neutrinos. Online Seminar by Frank Timmes (Opens in a new window)

IReNA online Seminar


Abstract: Over the next decade, neutrino astronomy will probe the rich astrophysics of neutrino production in the sky, including neutrinos from the Sun, core-collapse supernova (e.g., SN 1987A), and relativistic jets (e.g., blazar TXS 0506+056). On the observational side of this new era, the Super-Kamiokande with Gadolinium, Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory, XENON, and future liquid scintillator neutrino experiments usher in a new generation of multi-purpose neutrino detectors designed to open new avenues for potentially observing currently undetected neutrinos.


CANCELLED: MSU Science Festival Expo (Opens in a new window)

Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building, Michigan State University


The 8th annual MSU Science Festival will take place April 1-30, 2020. Presenters are getting ready to dazzle, delight, educate, and inform, reaching beyond science to include technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) and the important role they play shaping our future and everyday lives. The April 4 expo will feature dozens of booths, and JINA will be on hand to demonstrate nuclear astrophysics with hands-on activities!