Multidisciplinary Multi-Messenger Astrophysics Workshop
To foster multidisciplinary research in the area of explosive transients, Louisiana State University, the DOE’s Los Alamos National Lab and Center for Nuclear Astrophysics Across Messengers, NASA’s Physics of the Cosmos Program, and possibly an additional 3 letter agency, invites the international community to participate in a workshop in Baton Rouge, LA during September 23-26, 2024.
The workshop goals are to identify opportunities in multidisciplinary studies, both in using information from other fields to interpret astrophysical observations, but also to use astrophysical observations to probe outstanding questions in other fields. We invite the community to review the current state of resources in the relevant fields, reporting on existing collaborations and partnerships which cross disciplines, and identify barriers to multidisciplinary research. This workshop aims to understand how the scientific return of facilities can be maximized through alignment of existing initiatives, facilities, and mechanisms and, if necessary, suggest the creation of new ones. Lastly, we ask the participants to conceive of methods to sustain growth in this area.