ChETEC Zagreb Nucleosynthesis Software pipeline Training School
The ChETEC COST Action (CA16117), the IReNA NSF network of networks, and the NuGrid collaboration are organising a 3-day training school event on the topic of nuclear reaction rates, stellar nucleosynthesis, observations and implications for galactic chemical evolution.
In order to prepare scientists (especially early career investigators) for explorations in these science areas the school will include "hands-on" laboratory sessions every afternoon:
- Stellar evolution lab with MESA;
- Nucleosynthesis lab with Nugrid's PPN;
- Galactic chemical evolution lab with NuPyCEE.
The goal of this training school is to document present state of knowledge and discuss key open questions in nuclear astrophysics, and to allow young scientists to practise and actively engage with these different interdisciplinary topics. Trainees will learn how to use software tools that will enhance their research and their exploitation.