CARME@CRYRING - Nuclear reaction measurements using stored ions featuring Jordan Marsh (University of Edinburgh)


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Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students

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Event Contact

jordan marsh

Hosted by: Jakub Skowronski


In the last decade, improvements in ring operations and beam intensities at storage ring facilities have opened the door to performing nuclear reaction measurements using stored heavy ion beams. Using this technique, ions are stored in the ring for times ranging from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the ion species and energy. Nuclear reactions occur by the interaction between the stored ions and an ultra-thin gas-jet target every revolution around the ring. The CRYRING Array for Reaction MEasurements (CARME) is a charged particle detector array recently commissioned at the CRYRING storage ring, designed to study direct nuclear reactions at stellar energies in addition to indirect studies of key nuclear properties with consequences for quiescent and explosive stellar environments. The CRYRING is a low energy storage ring located at GSI (Darmstadt) which is unique worldwide by allowing ion beams produced by a radioactive beam facility (FAIR) to be decelerated, cooled and circulated at energies of astrophysical interest. CARME utilises high resolution (~30 keV FWHM), highly segmented (128x128 strip) Double-Sided Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSSD) installed directly under extreme high vacuum (10-12 mbar) to detect reaction products. I will present recent advances in nuclear reaction measurements using stored ions and in particular, details and technical capabilities of the CARME array.

CARME is a significant part of the UK in-kind contribution to FAIR. CARME’s science programme will be supported by the ERC-STG grant ELDAR, PI Dr. C Bruno (U. Edinburgh)