2023 R-matrix Workshop on Methods and Applications
The workshop’s goal is to bring together researchers in both experiment and theory and from basic and applied fields, who utilize R-matrix techniques in their research. The workshop aims to address the latest developments in R-matrix theory, its application in interpreting experimental data, and its use in data evaluation.
The window for submission of contributed talks will open in January. Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows are highly encouraged to apply, especially those in underrepresented groups. Limited participant support is available upon request, with students, postdocs and early career faculty given highest priority.
Organizing committee
Carl Brune (OU)
James deBoer (UND)
Gerry Hale (LANL)
Marco La Cognata (INFN)
Mark Paris (LANL)
Marco Pigni (ORNL)
Ian Thompson (LLNL)