Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) Camp 2022

PAN is sponsored by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics - Center for the Evolution of the Elements (JINA-CEE) which is a Physics Frontier Center funded by the National Science Foundation.
The program will run from July 24-29, 2022 at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams on the campus of Michigan State University. Lectures and experiments are led by JINA-CEE and FRIB faculty, staff, and students. The program introduces participants to the fundamentals of the extremely small domain of atomic nuclei and its connection to the extremely large domain of astrophysics and cosmology.
- Learn about research in one of the top rare-isotope laboratories in the world.
- Get introduced to the fascinating fields of astrophysics, cosmology, and nuclear science.
- Perform your own nuclear physics experiments.
- Meet researchers from many institutions nationwide.
- Discover the surprising array of career opportunities in science.
- Experience the atmosphere of college life