
Join the MSU Science Communication organization (MSU SciComm) with the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) in their first live Science-Art show. There will be live science demos and discussions. This event features guest speaker Patrick Morgan, and Keynote Speaker Dianna Cowern aka Physics Girl.
11 am - 5 pm at Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB): Science-Art Exhibition
11 am - 5 pm at Abrams planetarium: Tour of FRIB on the dome, and science-activities
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm at Wharton Center for Performing Arts: Live Science-Art Show featuring Physics Girl (Free tickets at Wharton Center ticket office)
7pm - 10 pm at The Grid: Beat the Scientist with Atomic Ale Beer Release by Saugatuck Brewing Company with prizes from Impact 89FM - WDBM, The Sci-Files on Impact 89 FM, and Astronomy on Tap - Lansing.
(You must be 21+ to enter The Grid)
MSU SciComm is supported by JINA-CEE.