
Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics X School (Opens in a new window)

Geneva, Switzerland

Workshops & Conferences

The school is connected to the International Conference on Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics X and aims at introducing important concepts related to nuclear astrophysics, including experimental and theoretical nuclear physics, astrophysics and astronomical observations.


PAN-CAKE masterclass for educators 2022 (Opens in a new window)


PAN-CAKE is a free online masterclass for teachers scheduled on Saturday July 16th, 2022. Science teachers (from pre-service to veterans) in the US and Canada will learn about world-class scientific research in nuclear astrophysics at MSU’s Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. This is an opportunity to meet scientists and other educators, take a “virtual tour” of a leading rare isotope laboratory, collect tools and demos for your curriculum, and discover the future of research. 


Astrophysics with Radioactive Isotopes (AwRI 2022) (Opens in a new window)

Budapest, Hungary

Workshops & Conferences

Radioactive nuclei play a significant role in many current astrophysical pursuits, from the origin of the elements to the driving of emissions from supernovae ($^5$$^6$Ni) and kilonovae (r-process radioactivity). Radioactive nuclei are crucial for direct studies of galactic enrichment ($^7$Be, $^2$$^6$Al, $^4$$^4$Ti, $^6$$^0$Fe, $^9$$^9$Tc, $^2$$^4$$^4$Pu) and stellar explosions ($^5$$^6$Ni, $^4$$^4$Ti). Stars and their explosions, galaxies and their evolving interstellar medium, and the origin of the solar system are among the targeted astrophysical objects.


Stellar Modelling for Nuclear Astrophysics Summer School! (SMNASS) (Opens in a new window)

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA


This summer school is intended to teach the application of stellar modelling using Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA) to those in the nuclear-astrophysics community and other interested researchers. Stellar modelling applications are becoming increasingly robust, and the availability of models for various stellar environments of interest to the nuclear-astrophysics community is constantly increasing.


Stellar Modelling for Nuclear Astrophysics Summer School (SMNASS) (Opens in a new window)

Baton Rouge, LA

Workshops & Conferences

This summer school is intended to teach the application of stellar modelling using Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA) to those in the nuclear-astrophysics community and other interested researchers. Stellar modelling applications are becoming increasingly robust, and the availability of models for various stellar environments of interest to the nuclear-astrophysics community is constantly increasing.


Topical Meeting of IReNA - FA1 Nuclear reaction measurements in Underground Laboratories (Opens in a new window)

Rome, Italy

Workshops & Conferences

The Focus Area 1 (FA1) of the International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics (IReNA) is concerned with the determination of nuclear reaction rates of critical astrophysical importance in the laboratory using a broad range of experimental approaches, including heavy ion storage rings, deep underground laboratories, intense photon beams, neutron beams, and recoil separators at stable and rare isotope accelerator facilities.


17th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics (Opens in a new window)

Russbach, Austria

Workshops & Conferences

We announce that the 17th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics will again take place at the village of Rußbach am Paß Gschütt, southeast of Salzburg, Austria. The school dates will be from March 13 (arrival and registration) to March 19 (departure) 2022.


JINA-INT workshop on Neutron Star Cooling (Opens in a new window)

University of Washington

Workshops & Conferences

This JINA-INT workshop will bring together researchers working on topics related to the thermal evolution of neutron stars, and transient and burst phenomena hosted by accreting and magnetized neutron stars.  

The hybrid meeting will involve a small group of in-person attendees at the Institute for Nuclear Theory at the University of Washington, and online participants from around the world. 


IReNA Online Seminar featuring Daid Kahl, Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) (Opens in a new window)

Online via Zoom


Title: Radioactive Nuclides in Outer Space

Abstract: Nuclear astrophysics is generally the study of the energy generation in stars and the origins of the chemical elements. In this highly multidisciplinary field, the job of experimental nuclear physicists is to constrain the nuclear reaction rates which are linked with astronomical observables. Observation of the lightest chemical element with no stable isotopes, technetium, in stellar spectra, was the first evidence that nucleosynthesis is an on-going process in our Galaxy.


APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (Opens in a new window)

Mt Pleasant, MI, USA

Workshops & Conferences

The mission of CUWiP is to encourage undergraduate women to persist or start a career in physics by proving them with the opportunity to learn about career paths in physics, experience a professional conference, and discuss challenges and concerns. This conference was initiated in 2006 and research data indicate that CUWiP is effective in meeting its goals. It is being supported by in part from the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.