27th TRIUMF Summer Institute (TSI 2017) (Opens in a new window)
Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) (Opens in a new window)
A week long program at one of two world leading nuclear physics laboratories: Nuclear Science Laboratory located on the campus of the University of Notre Dame and the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory located on the campus of Michigan State University. Learn nuclear astrophysics through lectures from faculty, and modern physics experiments.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei (Opens in a new window)
MICRA 2017 - Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics (Opens in a new window)
MICRA 2017 will be an interdisciplinary workshop aimed at fostering exchange between nuclear (astro-)physicists and computational modelers of relativistic astrophysical phenomena, such as the mergers of neutron star and core-collapse supernovae. A major goal of the workshop series is to foster efforts to include increasingly realistic microphysics in simulations so that we can confidently interpret multi-messenger observations of high density environments.
Art 2 Science Camp (Opens in a new window)
MST Nuclear Astrophysics Course (Opens in a new window)
Mad Scientist Camp (Opens in a new window)
p-process Workshop 2017 (Opens in a new window)
This is the 6th of the series of biennial workshops dedicated to nucleosynthesis of heavy neutron-deficient nuclei. The workshop covers a wide range of topics related to p-nuclei:
Grandparents Universtiy Nuclear Lesson with Marbles (Opens in a new window)
This program invites MSU alumni to bring their grandchildren for three days of classes on campus. Participants used JINA-CEE’s “marble nuclei” model to learn about isotopes and nuclear reactions before touring the National Superconducting Cyclotron laboratory
Grandparents University Nuclear Lesson with Marbles (Opens in a new window)
This program invites MSU alumni to bring their grandchildren for three days of classes on campus. Participants used JINA-CEE’s “marble nuclei” model to learn about isotopes and nuclear reactions before touring the National Superconducting Cyclotron laboratory
Forging Connections: From Nuclei to the Cosmic Web (Opens in a new window)
From Nuclei to the Cosmic Web strengthens interactions amongst the astrophysics and nuclear physics communities to facilitate scientific understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies.
Physics of Atomic Nuclei (Opens in a new window)
NuGrid Collaboration Meeting 2017 (Opens in a new window)
The NuGrid collaboration meeting 2017 will be hosted by JINA-CEE and be held at NSCL in East Lansing June 19—25.
The Nucleosynthesis Grid (NuGrid) project develops and maintains tools for large scale post-processing nucleosynthesis simulations and includes 24 senior investigators, and 33 younger scientists including students and postdocs from 21 institutions in North America, Europe and Australia.
PAN-CAKE Teacher Professional Development (Opens in a new window)
Curie/Meitner/Lamarr Indivisible Portrait Theater from Vienna, Austria (Opens in a new window)
Three outstanding pioneers represent the achievements of women in the field of science and technology: The double Nobel Price winner and discoverer of radioactivity Marie Curie (1867-1934), the Austrian-Swedish nuclear physicist Lise Meitner (1878-1968) and the Viennese Hollywood actress Hedy Lamarr (1914-2000) with the invention of frequency hopping.