CANCELLED: Of Equal Place: Isotopes in Motion

Of Equal Place: Isotopes in Motion will present an exhilarating performance that combines dance, video, and physics while featuring professional dancers and guest performances by local youth. The show highlights the wonders of science and illuminates the research at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) and was inspired by Dance Exchange’s critically acclaimed work The Matter of Origins. Following the performance, audience members are invited to participate in a series of activities which explore dance, physics, and FRIB.
Performed by Dance Exchange and Happendance and co-directed by Elizabeth Johnson and Keith Thompson, in collaboration with Wharton Center Institute for Arts & Creativity and Women & Minorities in the Physical Sciences. Underwritten by the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University with additional support by MSU University Outreach and Engagement, Science and Society at MSU and Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation.
The performances will be followed by workshops and hands-on demonstrations offered by JINA and FRIB.