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Information on
JINA Sponsored Workshops and Conferences

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2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002

-- 2011 --


* 7th ANL/INT/JINA/MSU Annual FRIB Workshop

Aug. 8-12, 2011
Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, USA

The workshop consists of seven topical sessions and one round table discussion about present and future status of the p-process. Each session includes an introductive talk and contribution talks.

Website | Talks


* Joint JINA / Universe Cluster - Astrophysical Nuclear Reaction Network School

April 10 - 17, 2011
Abtei Frauenwörth, Chiemsee, Bavaria, Germany

The focus of the school will be the understanding and application of nuclear reaction networks to astrophysical models for systems such as novae, x-ray bursts (rp-process) and supernovae (r-process).

Website | Program | School Wiki | Photo Gallery


* JINA Workshop on Nuclear Physics in Hot Dense Dynamic Plasmas

March 13-14, 2011
London Centre of the University of Notre Dame, London, UK

The main purpose of this meeting is to identify experimental opportunities for nuclear astrophysics at short-lived, high energy density plasma environments as will be available at the National Ignition Facility NIF.

Website | Participants | Program and Talks

-- 2010 --


* JINA Frontiers 2010 Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics

October 21-23, 2010
Abbey Resort, Lake Geneva, WI, USA

Frontiers 2010 workshop sponsored by the JINA is the third in a series of JINA meetings to bring together all JINA participants, collaborators, and other interested researchers to discuss recent and/or planned research in nuclear astrophysics.

Website | Participants | Presentations


* Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Rare Isotopes

August 1 - 13, 2010
Joao Pessoa, Brazil

The Institute is open to scientists from all countries and at all levels (student to faculty) who are interested in further advancing their knowledge in rare isotope science, who are interested in scientific exchange in this area, and who are interested in contributing to the goals of the institute.

Website | Program | Proceedings


* ECT* Doctoral Training Programme 2010

April 12 - June 11, 2010
ECT*, Villazzano, Italy

Students will have ample opportunity to interact with the lectures outside the formal lecture period and in addition ECT* staff will be on hand to assist in tutorials and problem sessions. Students will have access to the computing facilities of ECT* and will be given the time and opportunity to continue work on their PhD project.

Website | Topics of the Lectures


* JINA "Building Virtual Galaxie" Workshop

April 29 - May 1, 2010
East Lansing, MI, USA

The purpose of this workshop is to define the JINA collaboration's role in developing models of galactic chemical evolution, given the requirements and constraints produced as a result of existing and future observational databases

Website | Program | Participants

-- 2009 --


* Nuc-Astro Graduate Student Conference

September 2 - 3, 2009
Chapel Hill, NC, USA

The Nuclear Astrophysics Graduate Student Conference is a joint meeting between graduate students from the Universities of Notre Dame, North Carolina, and Michigan State. The conference is intended to be an opportunity to improve interaction between nuclear astrophysics students and provide the possibility for information exchange and hopefully follow up communication.

Website | Talks


* NUGRID: 2nd Collaboration Meeting

July 20-24, 2009
University of Notre Dame, IN, USA

The NuGrid approach is characterized by a commitment to forward modeling based on our physics understanding of the involved processes, verification and validation, and uncertainty quantification, including the important aspect of nuclear physics input.

Website | Photos


* JINA R-Matrix School @ ND

February 25 - 27, 2009
ISNAP, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA

The school offered a refreshing and training course on R-matrix techniques with AZURE.

Announcement | Application | Schedule | Photos

-- 2008 --


* JINA School: Nuclear Astrophysics of the Cosmos 2008

July 22 - 27, 2008
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA

The more general coverage of topics in nuclear astrophysics by the lecturers at this school is intended to broadly familiarize young theoretical and experimental nuclear astrophysicists with exciting and challenging current problems.

Announcement | Application (US) | Application (Abroad) | Talks


* Workshop on Statistical Nuclear Physics and Applications in Astrophysics and Technology

July 8 - 11 2008
Ohio University, Athens Ohio, USA

The workshop is focused on subjects related to statistical nuclear physics. By bringing together scientists working in various areas of this diverse field -- including astrophysics, technology, theory, and experiment.

Announcement | Website | Registration


* A Workshop on R-Matrix and Nuclear Reactions in Stellar Hydrogen and Helium Burning

April 21 - 23, 2008
La Fonda, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

In light of this special occasion we have invited a number of speakers to review historical development and present the latest experimental and theoretical results on low energy proton and alpha capture reactions for the CNO cycles in main sequence stars and stellar helium burning.

Announcement | Registration | Program | Poster | Talks | Photos

-- 2007 --


* JINA Frontiers 2007 Workshop

August 19 - 21, 2007
University of Notre Dame, IN

It is the second in a series of JINA meetings to bring together JINA participants, collaborators, and other interested researchers to discuss recent and/or planned research in nuclear astrophysics.

Announcement | Registration | Program & Talks | Photos


* CARINA - JINA Collaboration meeting on
  Nuclear Physics Data Compilation for Nucleosynthesis Modeling

May 29 - June 1, 2007
ECT*, Trento, Italy

It is a collaborative effort between CARINA and JINA with the goal to develop an updated and unified nuclear reaction data base for modeling a wide variety of stellar nucleosynthesis scenarios.

Announcement | Travel Info | Proposal | Participants & Talks | Picture


* JINA Special School on Nuclear Mass Models

May 8 - 16, 2007
Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, USA

This workshop will review experimental methods for mass determinations, theoretical modeling of nuclear masses, and their implications for outstanding questions in both nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics.

Announcement | General Information | Application | Lectures & Presentations | Photos


* JINA Special School on Methods of Direct Nuclear Reactions

April 9 - 20, 2007
Michigan State University, NSCL, East Lansing, MI

The objectives of the proposed School are to enable younger researchers to gain the background knowledge and to provide real experience in the use of modern direct reaction methods and codes.

Announcement | Application | Program | Dining | Photos

-- 2006 --


* The Status of 12C(a, y)16O, the "Holy Grail" of Nuclear Astrophysics

December 15, 2006
Kellogg Radiation Laboratory @ Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA

Charlie Barnes is one of the great pioneers in the field of experimental nuclear astrophysics. On the occasion of his 85th birthday we are planning to organize this special workshop on the "Status of 12C(a,y)16O" to honor him and his contributions and achievements to the field.

Announcement | Registration | Program | Lodging | Presentations | Photos


* The Workshop on Massive Stellar Progenitors "The Final Days of Burning"

March 9 - 10, 2006
Santa Barbara, USA

This informal two day workshop is intended to bring together diverse parts of the nuclear astrophysics community interested in the physics of massive stellar progenitors and their ability to collapse and later explode as a Supernovae or make a GRB.

Announcement | Agenda | Talks


* The School on Tools and Toys in Nuclear Astrophysics: The Nuclear Shell Model Applications

February 13-17, 2006
Michigan State University, MI, USA

This workshop covered the basic theoretical methods and computational tools used for shell model configuration mixing calculations. The emphasis was on a "hands-on" use of computer codes.

Announcement | Registration | Lectures | Pictures

-- 2005 --


* Frontiers 2005

August 20-22, 2005
Michigan State University, MI, USA

This is the first of a series of meetings, to be held every other year, that aim to bring together all of JINA, JINA collaborators and other interested researchers to discuss current research activities.

Website | Program | Talks | Pictures | More


* Workshop on Nuclear Incompressibility

July 14-15, 2005
University of Notre Dame, IN, USA

The primary aim of the Workshop is to bring together interested physicists from the areas of Astrophysics, Giant Resonances, and Heavy-Ion Reactions, to discuss current status of experiments and theoretical models related to nuclear incompressibility and the equation of state, and to explore what experiments might be needed to clarify some of the outstanding issues.

Announcement | Registration | Program | Participants | Talks


* The School on Tools and Toys in Nuclear Astrophysics: Astrophysical Reaction Networks

June 20 - July 1, 2005
University of Notre Dame, IN, USA

JINA held a second special school on "Tools and Toys in Nuclear Astrophysics". The school focused on "Nuclear Reaction Network Techniques".

Announcement | Registration | Participants | Map
Pictures | Program | Codes | Special Talk | Lectures


* The Physics of the s-Process

May 29 - June 12, 2005
Center for Physics, Aspen, Colorado, USA

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics organized a workshop on "The Physics of the s-Process" on May 29 - June 12, 2005 at the Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, Colorado, USA. This workshop intends to strengthen the communication and collaboration between four research directions to improve our understanding of s-process nucleosynthesis.

Announcement | More Information

* The Workshop on Classical Novae and Type Ia Supernovae

May 20 - 21, 2005
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

This informal two day workshop is intended to bring together diverse parts of the astrophysical community interested in probing the extreme events of classical novae and Type Ia supernovae.

Announcement | Conference Schedule | Talks


* Cosmology: Physics and Philosophical Perspectives

April 20, 2005
Center of Continuing Education, Notre Dame, IN, USA

Cosmology is one area of fundamental physics where the complementary perspectives of the physicist and the philosopher of physics have proven to be especially valuable. At Notre Dame, in particular, cosmology has long been a place where the research trajectories of physicists and philosophers have intersected. This conference celebrates that heritage at Notre Dame by bringing together seven scholars whose work has contributed to the ongoing dialogue between the two disciplines.

Announcement | Organizers | Program | Pictures | Talks


* Second Argonne/MSU/JINA/INT RIA Workshop

March 9-12, 2005
Michigan State University, MI, USA

This workshop focused on theoretical descriptions of the nuclear reactions that can be studied at present and future radioactive beam facilities, from low to relativistic energies. These facilities allow the study of reactions with exotic nuclei that have never been accessible before, providing challenges for reaction theory as well as important input for nuclear astrophysics.

Announcement | Information | Program Schedule


* JINA R-Process Discussion

January 28 - 29, 2005
University of Notre Dame, IN, USA

A two-day meeting was held at the University of Notre Dame, IN, USA on January 28-29, 2005 for members and collaborators of JINA to discuss the latest developments and present topics of interest in the physics of the r-process.

Announcement | Schedule | Participants | Talks | Pictures

-- 2004 --


* R-Matrix School at Notre Dame

October 4-15, 2004
Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

R-matrix theory is one of the essential tools for reliably interpreting nuclear reaction and scattering data. This technique is particularly important for the extrapolation of low energy cross sections in nuclear astrophysics. The increasing need for the use of R-Matrix techniques requires special training and easily accessible general purpose R-matrix codes.

General Information | Program Schedule | Participants
Pictures | Lectures | AZURE | R-Matrix Codes | R-Matrix Theory


* Symposium on "Nuclear Equation of State used in Astrophysics Models"

August 25-26, 2004
Philidelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

To provide a forum to improve the links between the nuclear and astrophysics communities performing such investigations, a symposium on “Nuclear Equation of State used in Astrophysics Models” was held at the 228th American Chemical National Meeting at Philadelphia. The symposium was sponsored by the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (DNCT) of the ACS and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA).

More Information | Programs & Talks | Picture


* Chemical Enrichment of the Early Universe

August 9-13, 2004
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Los Alamos National Laboratory through funds from CSSE, IGPP, T-6, SciDAC SSC and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics JINA (U Chicago, ANL, MSU, Notre Dame) organized a workshop on "Chemical Enrichment of the Early Universe" on August 9 - August 13, 2004 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The workshop focused on questions and topics about the chemical enrichment of the universe from the formation of the first stars to the observations of low-metallicity stars in the Milky Way.

More Information


* The 7th Torino Workshop on Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars

August 2-6, 2004
At Churchill College and the Institute of Astronomy,
University of Cambridge, UK.

In dedication to the memory of Manuel Forestini, JINA co-organizeed "The 7th Torino Workshop on Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars" on 2nd - 6th August 2004 at Churchill College and the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK.

Announcement | Proceedings


* Advances and Challenges in Nuclear Astrophysics

May 24-28, 2004
European Centre for Theoretical Studies in
Nuclear Physics, Trento, Italy

An European workshop on "Advances and Challenges in Nuclear Astrophysics" was organized in collaboration between CRC, Louvain la Neuve (Carmen Angulo), PNTPM, Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Pierre Descouvemont) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics JINA (Michael Wiescher). The workshop took place from May 24-28, 2004 at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics in Trento, Italy ( http://www.ect.it/ ).

Contact | Preliminary Speaker List | Schedule | Talks | Pictures


* Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics of Accreting Neutron Stars

April 23-24, 2004
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Santa Barbara, California

This informal two day workshop was intended to bring together the JINA affiliated scientists and parts of the astrophysical community interested in probing the extremes of nuclear physics provided by the environment of accreting neutron stars. The workshop was held in the Small Seminar Room of Kohn Hall.

Contact | Schedule | Participants | Pictures


* First Argonne / MSU / JINA / INT RIA Workshop

January 8-10, 2004
Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle, WA

"The r-process: the astrophysical origin of the heavy elements and related Rare Isotope Acclerator Physics" was held at Institute for Nuclear Theory, January 8-10, 2004.

More information | Talks

-- 2003 --


* Workshop on an underground accelerator for nuclear astrophysics

Oct. 27-28, 2003
Marriott University Park Hotel,
Tucson, AZ

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the technical requirements for the development of an underground accelerator. The goal was to establish communication and discussion between the experimental nuclear astrophysics community and accelerator physicists. The workshop addressed both the scientific goals and the technical requirements for the accelerator design and the associated instrumentation. Sufficient time and opportunity for discussion were given to the participants.

Contact | Invitation Letter | Program | Hotel & Visa
Participants | Talks | Pictures


* The Nuclear Physics Of Core Collapse Supernovae

May 26 - June 8, 2003
Institute of Physics
Aspen, Colorado

The intent of this workshop was to bring together researchers with a diverse range of expertise - observational astronomy, neutrino transport, supernova hydrodynamics, experimental and theoretical nuclear physics - to attempt to identify critical outstanding question associated with our understanding of core collapse supernovae and the means by which they can best be addressed.

Program | Participants | Pictures

-- 2002 --


* The r process - new experimental, theoretical, and observational opportunities

October 6-8, 2002
Kellogg Biological Station
Gull Lake, Michigan

With support from the National Science Foundation, and the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University.

Contact | Program | Travel | Cost/Support | Organizers
Proceedings | Participants | First Circular | Second Circular | Pictures
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